The Importance of Commerial Lockmith Services for your Business

Commercial Locksmith Services for Toronto Businesses

Today we face new challenges to provide a secure work facility for our clients. Securing physical assets for our clients is a task we take seriously at ASAP. Cash management , access control, key control and perimeter security are four main areas where a good Toronto locksmith will help commercial clients reduce risk of property loss or damage.

Quality cash management systems can include secure cash handling procedures in camera view with more than one person involved. Dual custody locking procedures ensure all transactions and deposits are witnessed. ASAP provides depository safes with multiple locks and doors customized to our clients needs.

The benefits of modern access control system can enhance the security of business facilities ensuring the whereabouts of personnel and limiting who goes where and when they have access. These systems can give an audit trail that is, a record of activities of personnel using specific entrances within the system. Access control not only reduces the number of internal security breaches but is an invaluable tool for investigating such unfortunate events.

Key control, like access control adds another layer of security to a place of business by limiting the duplication of keys to authorized personnel. We further restrict access and reduce potential internal security threats.

Perimeter security components are paramount as these are a company’s first line of defense against external theft. Fencing, gates, cameras, quality lighting, all contribute to a secure perimeter. Limiting key or access points on perimeter doors and barricading les used doors is a good practice.

Any and all upgrades to perimeter security should take into account the local fire code and the requirements for emergency egress in balance with the need to protect the exterior of the client’s property.

ASAP Lock – Professional Toronto Locksmith Services

The ASAP approach to security is one of waves, each wave creating a further layer of protection. These layers are provided in a customized fashion in response to a client’s budget and security needs.

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